Perencanaan Arah Karier Siswa Ditinjau Dari Konsep Diri Dan Pengaruh Orangtua


  • Muthmainnah Muthmainnah STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang
  • Aswidy Wijaya Cipta STKIP Muhammadiyah Palopo


Each year students will look for a suitable school for students. Problems arise when there are a lot of options that provide diverse schools offer to prospective students. Contributions of students self concept and parents involvement supposed to influence in the selection of secondary schools. This study aimed to describe:

1) self-concept of students of SMPN 01 Enrekang, 2) parents involvement of SMPN 01 Enrekang, 3) students secondary school selection, 4) the contribution of students self-concept against secondary school selection, 5) contribution parental involvement against secondary school selection, 6) the contribution of students self- concept and parental involvement against secondary school selection. This corelational descriptive research applied quantitative method. The population of the research were students in grade IX of SMPN 01 Enrekang also using proportional random sampling technique. The instrument of this research was the Likert scale model.  The  data  obtained  were  analyzed  by  using  descriptive statistic,  simple  regression  and  multiple regression. The research findings were: 1) students self concept in average were in high category, 2) parental involvement in  average were in  high  category, 3) students selection of  secondary school were in  high category, 4) there are  significance different between students self  concept against students selection of secondary school amount 44.3% (R = 0.666), 5) there are significance different between parental involvement toward students selection of secondary school amount 51.1% (R = 0.715), and 6) there are significance different between students self concept and parental involvement toward students selection of secondary school amount 54.2% (R = 0.736). The implication of this research may useful to design a guidance and counseling program, especially career guidance.

Author Biography

Muthmainnah Muthmainnah, STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang

Bimbingan Konseling


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