Deskripsi Keaktifan Belajar Siswa pada Model NHT dan Modelm Snowball Throwing SMPN 22 Bantimurung
This type of research is description which aims at examiningthe enchancement of activity mplementation of cooperative learning model of NHT (Number Head Together) type of grade VIII.1 at SMPN 22 Bantimurung , the enhancement of activity of cooperative learning model of snowball throwing type of grade VIII.3 at SMPN 22 Bantimurung. The result reaveald that the application of cooperative learning model of NHT type on students’ learning activeness was in active category and after the application of cooperative learning model of NHT type students’ learning activeness was enhanced with medium category. On the application of cooperative learning model of snowball throwing type the students’ learning activeness was in active category and after the application of cooperative learning model of snowball throwing type students’ learning activeness was enhanced with medium category, the enhancement of students’ learning outcomes on Mathematics was in high category
Keywords: comporative, activeness, motivation, learning outcomes, cooperative learning model of NHT type, cooperative learning model of snowball throwing type, Pythagorean Theorem.Referensi
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