Perilaku Bullying dan Penangannya Melalui Layanan Bimbingan Dan Konseling


  • Salmiati Salmiati STKIP Andi Matappa
  • Aztrid Fithrayani Alam STKIP Andi Matappa


Bullying behavior is an act of violence committed by students, both elementary, junior and senior high school students through the use of power to harm someone who is considered weak malalui good acts in the form of physical bullying, verbal even through social media (ciber bullying). Based on the study of several literatures and direct observation results in the field through observation and interviews with teachers guidance and counseling in schools, then the bullying behavior that occurs in schools would require the attention of teachers in providing treatment of these actions. Therefore, this literature review aims to understand the description of bullying behavior and its handling through guidance and counseling services conducted by guidance and counseling teachers in schools both for bullying students and for students who become victims of bullying through various guidance and counseling services such as communication skills training, Assertive Training and Peer Counselor Training. Key Concepts: Bullying Behavior, Guidance and Counseling

Biografi Penulis

Salmiati Salmiati, STKIP Andi Matappa

Bimbingan Konseling


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