Pengaruh Reward dan Gaya Mengajar Terhadap Prestasi Belajar IPS di SD Negeri 2 Wonco


  • Hartinawanti Hartinawanti Universitas Muslim Buton, Indonesia
  • Abdul Rahman Universitas Muslim Buton, Indonesia



Reward, Teaching Style, Learning Achievement.


This study aims to determine (i) the effect of rewards on social studies learning achievement; (ii) the effect of teaching style on social studies learning achievement; and (iii) the effect of reward and teaching style simultaneously on social studies learning achievement at SD Negeri 2 Wonco. Methods This research uses the type of ex post facto research. Data collection techniques through questionnaires. The population is all students of SD Negeri 2 Wonco, totaling 136 people for the 2020/2021 academic year. The sampling technique used purposive sampling so that a sample of 45 was determined. The data analysis technique uses prerequisite analysis and inferential analysis. The results of the study show that rewards have a significant effect on social studies learning achievement, this indicates that if the reward is good, the learning achievement of students increases; teaching style has a significant influence on social studies learning achievement, this shows that if the contribution of teaching style is in a good category, the learning achievement of students increases; reward and teaching style simultaneously have a significant effect on social studies learning achievement, this shows that the contribution between reward and teaching style affects the improvement of students' learning achievement.

Author Biographies

Hartinawanti Hartinawanti, Universitas Muslim Buton

Dosen PGSD, Universitas Muslim Buton

Abdul Rahman, Universitas Muslim Buton

Dosen PGSD, Universitas Muslim Buton


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