Pengembangan Karakter Melalui Pendidikan Moral di Sekolah Dasar
This research focuses on character development through moral education in elementary schools. The research method employed in this study is a literature review. By using the literature review method, it is expected to provide a comprehensive overview of the implementation of moral education and its impact on the character development of elementary school students. The literature used includes books, scientific journals, articles, and previous studies discussing this topic. Data collection was carried out by searching for credible and relevant sources through academic databases, libraries, and online platforms. The criteria for source selection include relevance to the research topic, quality of the studies, and their contribution to understanding moral education and character development. The researcher also considered the publication year to ensure that the information used is the most up-to-date. After collecting the data, the next step was to analyze and synthesize the information obtained. The analysis involved identifying key themes emerging from the reviewed literature. The researcher also compared and contrasted various perspectives and findings from different sources to gain a more comprehensive understanding of character development through moral education. The results of the study conclude that moral education implemented in elementary schools plays a vital role in shaping students' character.
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