Peran Pendidikan dalam Membangun Mental Kewirausahaan Sejak Dini
This research uses the literature review method, which is a systematic approach to collecting, analyzing, and synthesizing information from various relevant sources. This approach aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the role of education in building an entrepreneurial mentality from an early age. This literature review involves collecting data from journals, books, articles, and reports related to entrepreneurship and education. The data collection process begins with identifying relevant sources. Several academic databases such as Google Scholar, JSTOR, and ProQuest were used to search for scientific articles discussing the relationship between education and entrepreneurship. Data analysis was carried out by classifying information based on themes that emerged from the literature reviewed. The research results show that education has a very important role in developing an entrepreneurial mentality from an early age. Through entrepreneurship education, children can be taught the skills and attitudes necessary to become entrepreneurs. Families and schools also have a crucial role in supporting the development of children's entrepreneurial spirit. In addition, training for teachers and support from parents are essential to create a supportive environment.
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