literasi matematika, PISA, kualitatifAbstract
Kemampuan literasi matematika masih menjadi tren di dunia pendidikan saat ini. PISA merupakan salah satu studi yang mengukur kemampuan siswa dalam proses penalaran, memberikan argumen dan pemecahan masalah. Dari beberapa konten yang diukur, peneliti memfokuskan pada space and shape materi pythagoras. Pertanyaan pada penelitian ini adalah bagiamana kemampuan literasi siswa pada konten space and shape materi pythagoras. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 80% siswa berada pada level di bawah 1 dan 20% berada pada level 1. Dari beberapa indikator yang dinilai pada aspek communication menunjukkan skor rata- rata 3,13; skor komponen mathematising rata- rata 2,13; skor komponen representation rata- rata 2,33; skor komponen reasoning and argument rata- rata 2,13; skor devising strategies and solving problem 2,56; komponen using symbolic, formal and technical language and operation memperoleh skor rata- rata 3,00; dan skor rata- rata kemampuan using mathematics tools memperoleh skor 2,66. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan literasi siswa pada konten space shape masih sangat rendah
Mathematical literacy is still a trend in the world of education today. PISA is one study that measures the ability of students in the process of reasoning, providing arguments and problem solving. From some of the content measured, researchers focus on the space and shape of pythagorean material. The question in this study is how the literacy ability of students in the content space and shape pythagorean material. In this study, researchers used a qualitative approach with methods of observation, documentation and interviews. The results showed as many as 80% of students were at the level below 1 and 20% were at level 1. Of the several indicators assessed on the communication aspect showed an average score of 3.13; the average score of the mathematising component is 2.13; average component score score of 2.33; the reasoning and argument component score averaged 2.13; score devising strategies and solving problems 2.56; components using symbolic, formal and technical language and operation obtain an average score of 3.00; and the average score of ability to use mathematics tools obtain a score of 2.66. The results showed that the literacy ability of students in space shape content was still very low.
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