https://doi.org/10.31100/histogram.v4i1.548Kata Kunci:
Efektivitas Pembelajaran Matematika, Model PACEAbstrak
Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh proses pembelajaran matematika yang belum optimal karena proses pembelajaran yang masih monoton sehingga mengakibatkan aktivitas siswa menjadi kurang aktif dan siswa kurang memberi respon terhadap pembelajaran. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) bagaimana hasil belajar matematika siswa, aktivitas siswa, respon siswa dan (2) apakah model Project, Activity, Cooperative Learning, Exercise (PACE) efektif diterapkan dalam pembelajaran matematika siswa kelas VIII.A SMP Negeri 2 Sinjai Selatan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah pre-experimental design, yaitu jenis penelitian yang hanya melibatkan satu kelas sebagai kelas eksperimen dan desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah One-Shot Case Study, yaitu sebuah percobaan yang dilakukan tanpa adanya kelompok pembanding dan tanpa tes awal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa skor rata-rata nilai hasil belajar siswa yaitu 66,31 dengan standar deviasi 24,60 dan persentase siswa yang mencapai kriteria tuntas yaitu 80,8%, Aktivitas siswa dikatakan baik/aktif karena rata-rata persentase siswa yang melakukan aktivitas positif yaitu 79,56%, dan respon siswa dikatakan positif karena rata-rata persentase siswa yang menjawab “ya†yaitu 96,15%. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran matematika melalui model Project, Activity, Cooperative Learning, Exercise (PACE) efektif diterapkan di kelas VIII.A SMPN 2 Sinjai Selatan.
This research is motivated by the learning process of mathematics which is not optimal because the learning process is still monotonous resulting in students activities become less active and less students give response to the learning. This research was conducted with objectives to determine: (1) how students ' mathematics learning outcomes, student activity, student responses, and (2) whether the model Project, Activity, Cooperative Learning, Exercise (PACE) effectively applied in the learning of mathematics of students of class VIII.A SMP Negeri 2 Sinjai Selatan. This type of research is pre-experimental design, namely the type of research that only involves one class as the experimental class and the research design used is One-Shot Case Study, namely an experiment that was done in the absence of a comparison group and without a preliminary test. The results showed that the score of the average value of student learning outcomes that 66,31 by the standard deviation to 24.60 and the percentage of students who achieve the criteria completely ie 80,8%, the Activity of the students is said to be good/active because the average percentage of students who perform a positive activity that is 79,56%, and the response of the students said to be positive because the average percentage of students who answered “yes†that is 96,15%. From the results of the study concluded that the learning of mathematics through model Project, Activity, Cooperative Learning, Exercise (PACE) effectively applied in class VIII.A SMPN 2 Sinjai Selatan.
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